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information company
company Name :
Shahd Talaee Mehr company
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description company

Shahd Talaee Mehr company (Jeljelleh and Bambi), has started its activities from 2007, with the aim of creating employment and production, from the local to the area of 2100 square meters in the field of production of Jelly gum (Jeljelleh) in Nasirabad Industrial town. Then, by using the experiences of the founders, managers and staff and by using high quality raw materials, has been released other quality products such a variety of jelly powders (Bambi) for use in the household and variety of jelly powder with distinct formulations for special using in halls and restaurants. As well as special formulations, prepared ready for consumption confectionery jelly product for industrial and confectionery use, and thereby was succeed to conquer part of the consumer market. Shahd Talaee Mehr company intends to release new products such as powdered instant drinks and a variety of powdered desserts to the market for satisfy their customers in near future. This company is proud to receive comments, suggestions and ideas for improving and increase the satisfaction of you all dear ones. to increases the process of the company serving to customers, friends and Dear colleagues.


contact with company
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