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information company
company Name :
Suprim Tuna Fish
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description company
With a quarter of a century of experience in building and equipping manufacturing machinery and obtaining the necessary permits, the company started producing canned fish with a 200-gram can of packaged packaging, and started its activities along with other old and powerful competitors in the market. Satin Protein Company, Yara Maham (Suprim), with a special design and gaining the first rank in the field of design, offered canned fish product with vegetable oil and easy opening door, thus gaining more market share. Satin Protein Yara Maham (Suprim), a producer of canned tuna, is one of the factories that has the advantage of using fresh fish to produce tuna due to its location in the north of the country (Gilan, Punel region). Proximity to the sea and the possibility of using fresh and first-class raw materials, non-use of any preservatives, commitment to quality stability and the use of vegetable oils in some products due to the low content of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids Undesirable blood fats have an important effect, one of the important factors that has caused the sapphire tuna to establish its place in the customer’s shopping cart. Satin Protein Company Yara Maham (Saprim), a producer of canned fish with vegetable oil, has achieved various standards in the production of tuna in the years of its activity. The company is one of the companies that believe in the cycle of continuous improvement in the production of its products, and according to the standards it has achieved so far in its field of activity, it is still trying to improve the standards of tuna production in its collection.
contact with company
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4th Floor , Unit 14, West Entrance, No. 28,, Negarestan 4, Pasdaran St., Tehran, Iran